AbouT Us

Get Real Finance

We inspire people with real finance as a team of expert brokers.

Getting finance means looking at lifestyle and finding where opportunities exist to best position yourself and take the steps to meet your goals. We guide, support, and mentor—not just transact. In brokering finance deals with various lenders, we come from a relentless mindset where anything is possible...if you don’t ask, you don’t get.

We demonstrate to our industry that leadership starts with showing up for our clients and building and nurturing relationships, not enabling transactions. Our focus and metric for success is our impact and influence, not the upfront commission.

We broker finance from the best, as proven by our team, to give you real finance to support your goals in life and in business. There’s no geographical boundaries on who we can help.

How the Get Real Finance team helps you achieve your goals.
It starts with why icon

It starts with why

Part of our philosophy is that all financial decisions start with why. Your why might be super clear, or in the  process of being realised. For us to come up with real finance we pay attention to what’s being said, and what’s not being said. We intuitively feel out where people are in their financial journeys, and we’re motivated to give the support and answers to help guide you in making the best decisions for you.
Relationships not transactions icon

Relationships, not transactions

As our client, you’ll quickly see that we’re about relationships, not transactions. Even after your loan is  paid out, you’re still our client. That’s because we exist to educate and motivate people to understand and leverage the power of getting real finance to become empowered to achieve their goals.  
Finance that fits better than Lycra icon

Finance that fits better than Lycra

There’s not many finance deals we haven’t struck or tactics we haven’t manoeuvred. We’re methodical and relentless in our approach to get you finance that fits your life. As your broker, we advocate for you.
Kind and intuitive icon

Kind and intuitive

We’ve got endless success stories to tell and education to share. At the nexus of all those stories is the care factor that goes into how our brokers make those success stories happen. We care about our impact on our clients’ lives, and we want to be a support system they can tap into.

Our Team

Meet our team members

Kelly Cameron

Kelly Cameron

Finance & Property Strategist

From a very young age, Kelly worked extremely hard to become the aspirational woman she is today. Kelly’s experiences drive her mission to help people buy houses and achieve financial security through real estate investing. She’s extremely passionate about this mission and will fight for her clients’ success every step of the way.

Growing up, Kelly lived with her parents, uncle, and siblings in their grandparent’s home. At age 10, her grandparents’ house was sold and her family were forced to rent. After seeing the immense upheaval and emotional stress this caused her usually stoic grandmother, she decided to eventually buy her grandparents a home of their own.

She followed the well-trodden path of obtaining an undergraduate degree and graduate diplomas in business. Straight out of university, she jumped at an opportunity to work for a merchant bank in Seoul, South Korea, which as a country was amid a financial crisis. It was eye-opening and rewarding, but her passion to work in finance and help people on a personal level led her back to Australia to work for one of the Big Four banks.

At 25, Kelly purchased her first home (which her grandparents lived in for years). She cared for her grandfather during the last months of his life while completing a course in property development. Before he passed, Kelly promised him: she would use her expertise to help people in need. She lives that promise every day at work and in her charitable endeavours with every bit of her heart and soul.

On her 30th birthday, Kelly sold her first mortgage broking business and moved to Sydney with the goal of early retirement. This lasted just six weeks before she had the itch to get back into assisting people to secure their financial futures. At this point, ‘Get Real Finance’ was born, based in Brisbane. The business has blossomed into a close-knit team who all share Kelly’s passion for personalised service.

Not only is she an awe-inspiring businesswoman, Kelly is also an amazing mother to her daughter Mackenzie. Kelly has raised Mackenzie to be a bright and talented young woman who definitely does not lack any character.

Tania Granzin

Tania Granzin

Senior Mortgage Broker

Tania joined Get Real Finance in 2019. Her career started with a major bank in Melbourne over 30 years ago. In 2004 Tania began working with brokers and financial planners and several small-to-medium businesses. During this time Tania completed her Diploma in Financial Planning and gained invaluable experience across many facets of finance and investment.

Soon after Tania joined the Get Real Finance team, Kelly recognised Tania’s potential and encouraged her to become a Mortgage Broker. Later that year, Tania completed her Diploma in Finance and Mortgage Broking and became a registered Credit Representative.

Tania enjoys supporting the Brisbane Lions. She’s a wonderful wife to her husband Wes and a loving mother to two wonderful young women, Ashleigh and Maddison. She deeply values spending as much time as possible with her family and friends.

Aleena Biju

Aleena Biju

Senior Loans Processor

Aleena joined Get Real Finance in 2023 and has since become the Senior Loans Processor. As the Senior Loans Processor, she has a deep knowledge of what's required and why in many varying and complex loan applications across Get Real Finance's lending panel. Aleena is studying a bachelor of business at QUT with a major in financial planning.

Since moving from Townsville she loves exploring Brisbane to get to know her new city. To recharge from her role at Get Real Finance and travels around Brisbane, she enjoys diving into the latest series on Netflix.

Chrissy Doncaster

Christine Doncaster

Office Manager & Executive Assistant

After years of being a full-time mum of three teenagers, Christine (Chrissy) joined the team in early 2022. She has a Certificate IV in Frontline Management and is currently studying a Certificate III in Business Administration.

She’s a devoted Brisbane Lions fan and an avid novel reader.

Salve Rojo

Salvacion Rojo

Senior Loans Processor

Salvacion (Sal) joined Get Real Finance in January 2023. She’s a founding member of our dedicated home loan review team. This team liaises with our client’s lenders to renegotiate interest rates and identify potential opportunities for savings. With Sal's quiet nature, she's calm and careful when preparing her applications. Both her skill and detail-orientated approach delivers significant value to Get Real Finance clients and she's highly regarded by the team and clients alike.

She has an Associate qualification in Computer Technology and a Certificate in Baking (baking—not banking). She brings unique skillset from being the Billing Team Leader in the Business Processing and Outsourcing (BPO) industry, which aligns well to assist our team in getting the best rate available on client’s home loans.

Sal is about to have her first baby (non-fur baby) and is already a mum of seven fur-babies.

Jane Regacho

Jane Regacho

Loans Processor

Jane joined Get Real Finance in January 2024. Her primary focus is on loan processing, which demands a high level of attention to detail and a sound understanding of the lending process in mortgage broking. Jane quickly earnt respect and trust from the Get Real Finance team and is often working on complex applications due to her adept skill.

Jane holds an associate degree in Information Technology and has over 10 years’ experience in the Business Processing and Outsourcing (BPO) industry. During her career, she has worked in various industries, which has helped her develop the ability to adapt quickly to existing systems and workflows.

Jane enjoys spending time with her nephews and playing with her dog.

Josephine Bayot

Josephine (Pen) Bayot

Junior Loans Processor

Josephine (aka Pen) joined Get Real Finance in May 2023. Her primary role involves processing home loan reviews and through repricing existing loans, she's saved a lot of clients money in getting a new interest rate applied. Pen's secondary role involves working on loan applications with the team, which paves the way for a smooth loans process.

Before joining the team, she spent five years working as a Customer Service Representative and over a year as a Lead Generation Specialist.

Pen is a mum to her son, she's a wife, and nature enthusiast who enjoys traveling and mountain hiking.

Jeramae Ape

Jeramae (Jera) Ape

Loans Review Officer

Jera joined Get Real Finance in May 2022. Her primary role is focused on home loan reviews to get the best possible rates for clients. And just like Pen and Jane in the team, she's also saved clients money in repricing loans by getting a new interest rate applied. Jera often orders property valuations and books clients in for appointments with Kelly and Tania.

She brings experience as a Mortgage Broking Assistant and as a Customer Service Representative. Jera has a bachelor’s degree in psychology and became licensed as a Registered Psychometrician in 2023.

Jera is a bubbly personality and loves spending time with her four fur babies and going to the beach.

Addie. Get Real Finance support dog


Office Support Dog

Addie joined the family in 2020.

When she isn’t busy taking her naps, Addie ensures quality control of all of Kelly’s meetings. If you book an appointment with Kelly, Addie is likely to sit in.

Her remuneration mainly consists of treats and tummy rubs. She is often heard asking Kelly for a raise throughout the day.